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What does climate neutrality actually mean?

Maximilian Auer - one of our student employees – explains the concept of climate neutrality on the basis of an epic underground battle in his short film "THE CLIMATE FIGHT": Two dangerous adversaries challenge "emission". Will the challengers succeed in winning the fight and preventing the escalation of the climate crisis... ?


The greenhouse gas balancing of Austrian schools

Published on 29 April 2024 What are the greenhouse gas balances and savings potentials of Austrian schools and how can they be determined together with pupils? Vivienne Pirker, Barbara Truger, Joachim Thaler and Alexander

Kick-off of the new climate protection package "Klimafit"

"With the new "Klimafit" project, we can now offer companies throughout Upper Austria a high-quality climate protection package that combines the global and local levels of climate protection. I am pleased that many companies already want to move towards climate neutrality after the initial necessary avoidance and reduction of their CO2 emissions. Together with the Upper Austrian Climate Alliance and the BOKU, this is now possible with "Klimafit"," explains Norbert Rainer, Managing Director of the Austrian Climate Alliance and Upper Austria.

Voluntary CO2 compensation through climate protection projects

The quality of CO2 certificates varies greatly. Here we provide tips on what you should bear in mind when voluntarily offsetting CO2.

How do I create a carbon footprint?

Would you like to balance your company, school or organisation? But don't know where to start? This article gives you an overview of how you can create a carbon footprint.
tropischer Regenwald

Reforestation projects in tropical rainforests

BOKU climate protection projects are always scientifically monitored and thus also contribute to research findings. Here we provide an overview of the results of a study in which a project manager of the BOKU climate protection project in Colombia was involved.

Can tourism be climate-neutral?

What does climate neutrality mean and how do you actually become climate neutral? Joachim Thaler answers these questions in an article focussing specifically on tourism.