Group photo - from left: Johannes Huber (Managing Director of Samen Maier), Reinhard Pribil (PET Operations Manager), Kristina Lisa Haselgrübler (Head of the Gunskirchen Environmental Centre), Stefan Kaineder (Provincial Councillor for the Environment and Climate), Norbert Rainer (Climate Alliance Upper Austria), DIin Sarah Siemers (BOKU Vienna), Michael Hag (Managing Director Raiffeisenbank Wels)

-- Climate Alliance Upper Austria and BOKU Vienna --

The Climate Alliance and BOKU Vienna are launching a unique programme to reduce CO2-footprint and local climate protection projects. The
beginning is done! Here is the 3-minute video about ‘Klimafit’.

What is Klimafit?

Starting now, the Climate Alliance Upper Austria is offering an innovative climate protection package in cooperation with the University for Natural Resources Vienna. Climate Alliance businesses can now not only avoid and reduce emissions, but they can also make two more steps: With their climate protection contribution, they enable climate protection on a simultaneously global and local level.
Global: Through a research-based climate protection project of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) in Uganda (solar drinking water treatment), CO2-emissions are avoided. These CO2-savings are made possible by a portion of the voluntary climate protection contribution. The basis for the contribution can be the CO2-balance of the climate check in order to ‘offset’ the operational emissions. BOKU provides a donation confirmation with the expected number of tonnes of CO2 aus.
Lokal: Additionally, Climate Alliance businesses enable local climate protection measures in their community/city with the rest of their contribution. The Climate Alliance Upper Austria is realizing various selected measures, from school workshops with a focus on sustainability to community garden projects. They can choose the desired measures themselves (depending on the amount contributed).
Project photo from Uganda - (c) HELIOZ

You can join in too!

Klimafit is primarily aimed at Climate Alliance businesses or those who want to become one. Municipalities, associations and private individuals can also take part. The prerequisite is that CO2 must have been avoided and reduced! You can find more information here. You are also welcome to contact us directly:

Press conference with Provincial Councillor Kaineder and starter companies at the kick-off

The project was officially launched at a press conference in Wels on 30 March. Together with the KB OÖ and the BOKU as the project team, Stefan Kaineder, Provincial Councillor for the Environment and Climate, and the first 4 starter companies, namely Samen Maier, PET Austira, the environmental centre of RAIKA Gunskirchen and RAIKA Wels (all 4 are Climate Alliance companies) were also present. Through their contributions alone, several school workshops and a climate field in Upper Austria can be implemented and a total of 130 tonnes of CO2-eq. can be ‘equalised’. Norbert Rainer (KB OÖ) and Sarah Siemers (BOKU) presented the companies with the personalised climate fit certificates.



„With the new project "Klimafit," we can now offer companies throughout Upper Austria a high-quality climate protection package that combines global and local levels of climate protection. I am glad that today many companies, after initially necessary avoidance and reduction of their CO2 emissions, want to continue towards climate neutrality. Through "Klimafit," this is now possible, together with Klimabündnis OÖ and BOKU," says Mag. Norbert Rainer, Managing Director of Klimabündnis Österreich and Upper Austria.

(c) Land OÖ

Mit dem neuen Projekt „Klimafit“ können wir nun Betrieben in ganz Oberösterreich ein hochqualitatives Klimaschutzpaket anbieten, das die globale und lokale Ebene des Klimaschutzes kombiniert. Ich bin froh, dass heute schon viele Betriebe nach der zuerst notwendigen Vermeidung und Reduktion ihrer CO2-Emissionen weiter in Richtung Klimaneutralität gehen wollen. Über „Klimafit“ ist dies, gemeinsam mit dem Klimabündnis OÖ und der BOKU, ab sofort möglich„, erklärt Mag. Norbert Rainer, Geschäftsführer Klimabündnis Österreich und Oberösterreich.

“We are particularly pleased about the cooperation with Klimabündnis because it plays an important role in supporting companies in their efforts to improve operations. Through the Klimafit package, not only is the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions promoted, but also a whole range of UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Global South as well as locally in Austria are advanced,” says DIin Sarah Siemers from the Kompetenzstelle für Klimaneutralität at BOKU.

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