Climate protection at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
What is happening in the area of climate protection at BOKU?
The strategic goal of the BOKU sustainability strategy is climate neutrality by 2040 (90% reduction in emissions) with a 66% reduction in emissions by 2030. angestrebt.
The Competence Center for Climate Neutrality has been calculating BOKU's CO2-balance since 2013, supporting the university on its journey. With the CO2balance, the fields of action – above all electricity, district heating, and business trips – are clearly visible. Accordingly, targeted measures can be defined and continuously improved when developing a climate protection strategy.

BOKU's greenhouse gas balance shows at a glance where the major emission items are: electricity, district heating and business travel, although the latter fell drastically in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant increase in travel-related emissions was already evident in 2022. This increase will be mitigated with the help of appropriate measures, positive incentives and awareness-raising campaigns.
With the switch to UZ46-certified electricity on January 1, 2021, BOKU has already taken a big step towards climate neutrality!
More information and explanations on the university's greenhouse gas emissions can be found in the BOKU sustainability report on pages 84-113.