About us
Mission & vision statement
What we stand for
Our vision is a climate-neutral Austria in a climate-friendly world. With scientific expertise and great passion, we work on making climate neutrality tangible and a reality for our customers and partners.
We provide companies, institutions, and civil society with independent expert information, advice, and tried-and-tested tools to successfully facilitate climate protection. In this way, we help to set the course towards a sustainable society in Austria and abroad.
Our team
The following employees of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna are currently active with the GradWanderer. From long-time professionals to dedicated students, the range of employees is highly diverse! Together we share the joy in our work and our ambition for climate neutrality.
Our team culture is characterised by active participation and respect within a flat hierarchies with a self-determined approach. Collaboration at eye level is essential for us; hence we also embody this in our dealings with our customers.
Unterstützt wird unser Team seit 2020 jährlich durch eine*n Praktikant*in im Rahmen des Freiwilligen Umweltjahres (FUJ). Einen Einblick in deren Tätigkeiten bietet dieses Interview mit drei unserer bisherigen FUJ-Praktikant*innen.
Our history
An innovation is born at BOKU
Growing external interest
Expansion towards climate neutrality
Our goals
Raising climate awareness
Mitgestaltung von Standards, Richtlinien und Normen zu Klimaneutralität, um KundInnen, PartnerInnen und die (Fach-) Öffentlichkeit dazu zu sensibilisieren
Enabling climate neutrality
Developing know-how and tools for achieving climate neutrality and disseminate knowledge on to our customers through consultation
Supporting climate mitigation and offsetting projects
Developing climate mitigation projects in countries in the Global South in compliance with the highest social, ecological, and ethical standards, while financing them through compensation payments