BOKU Climate Mitigation Projects
CO2-mitigation through composting of organic waste
Untreated waste due to lack of waste separation, low recycling efforts and inadequate landfilling is a major burden on the environment and the local population. Therefore, the aim of this BOKU climate protection project in Addis Ababa is to convert about 8,000 tonnes of organic waste per year into nutrient-rich compost, reducing about 200 tonnes of CO2 annually.
Involvement of local partners as an important success factor
Households, waste collectors, and other local stakeholders are trained in how to separate waste into organic and other material and collect it properly. The collected organic waste is processed in a composting plant commissioned as part of the project. Trained local workers learn how to control and monitor the composting process to ensure that the compost is of good quality. The compost obtained is then sold as high-quality, regional fertilizer and offers the local actors involved an additional income and safe working conditions.
Commitment to equal opportunities
Through the strong involvement of single women, the project also contributes to local social empowerment. This pilot project is intended to be the starting signal for further decentralized composting projects in Ethiopia. Not least through the show garden, a network for the exchange of knowledge and experience is to be created in order to establish decentralized and low-CO2waste management in Ethiopia. In addition to sinking CO2 and improving the quality of the soil, the general nutritional situation can also be influenced.