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We accompany you on your way!

With scientific expertise and great pleasure we are working on the path to climate neutrality .
Dafür entwickeln wir für unsere Partner*innen und Kund*innen geeignete Tools und vermitteln das nötige Wissen, to support them on their way. 

Klimaneutrale Bundesmuseen

Von 2022 bis 2023 begleiteten wir die Bundesmuseen und die Nationalbibliothek dabei, für ihr jeweiliges Haus eine Treibhausgasbilanz zu erstellen, ein Emissionsreduktionsziel bis zum Jahr 2030 festzulegen und eine „Klimaschutz-Roadmap“ zu erarbeiten.
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AG Klimaneutral

The knowledge network currently consists of 6 partner organizations. Together, as part of a CCCA working group, we are developing guidelines and standards for the climate neutrality of companies and organizations in Austria. As a think tank, we promote social and political discourse and help set the course for a climate-friendly future.
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BOKU CO2-Bilanz

Since 2013, the competence center for climate neutrality has been compiling BOKU's greenhouse gas balance sheet. These balance sheets are an important control and steering instrument and form the basis for strategic decisions and objectives in the context of sustainability.
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Gemeinsam mit dem Umweltbundesamt und der TU Graz hat die BOKU das CO2-Bilanzierungs-Tool „ClimCalc“ entwickelt. Ein benutzerfreundliches Tool zur Emissionsbilanzierung. Dieses open-source-Tool hilft Schüler:innen, Studierenden und Organisationen aller Art dabei ihre Emissionen zu berechnen und ihren Fußabdruck zu verringern.
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"Making A Change" is a cooperation project between science and school. In cooperation with the CCCA (Climate Change Center Austria) and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, BOKU supports students throughout Austria in creating a CO2-balance sheet for their school. In addition, possible climate neutrality strategies are being developed.
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